Can’t swing the golf club the way you used to? Or load that racket and crush that ball? Or jump as high or run that marathon? Because your body is compensating and out of balance.

As certified experts in Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT & MATRx), we’ll help you finally overcome repeat injuries, recurring pain and muscular problems. (See video, above.)

MAT & MATRx can treat locally (symptoms of tightness/pain or range of motion) and MATRx is a process in which we treat the body as a whole to raise stress tolerance levels and ability to handle forces. With the Rx process, we are using an NXPro from Neux Technologies delivering Interactive Neuromuscular Stimulation.

For 75 years, people always found out what was wrong with them but never why it went wrong. Rather than just knowing that you have hamstring tightness or back pain, we go beyond that to understand why it’s tight and correct what is causing that pain. The six benefits:

1.     Injury Repair. MAT pinpoints injuries and corrects them permanently.

2.     Increased Mobility. Providing more stability creates better mobility.

3.     Restored Muscular Balance. Only by putting muscles back in balance can you truly leave your injuries behind.

4.     Pain-Free Living. Once issues are correctly and balance is achieved, most clients leave us to enjoy their best lives ever.

5.     Injury Prevention. If the body is balanced and muscles are in proper alignment, that mitigates the chance of future injuries.

6.     Performance Improvement. Many of our client get back to their “old selves”—on the court, course and pavement.